1. Introduction

To demonstrate with an example the way Prometheus AlertManager can be configured to send alerts to a notification system, we will use a chat application that is similar to Slack and that can be deployed on the same cluster where AlertManager is running.

In this section we will:

  1. Deploy https://rocket.chat/ backed by a MongoDB database.

  2. Configure Prometheus Alertmanager to send alerts in a channel of the deployed rocket.chat deployment.

2. Rocket.Chat

2.1. Prerequisites

  • An OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 cluster has already been installed

  • A developer account is available for deploying the apps

  • An administrator account with cluster-admin privileges is available to configure AlertManager

2.2. Deploy the apps

  1. Login as developer user to the cluster

    $ oc whoami
    $ API_ENDPOINT=$(oc whoami --show-server)
    $ echo $API_ENDPOINT
    $ oc login -u developer $API_ENDPOINT
  2. Create a project (namespace) where to deploy MongoDB and Rocket.Chat

    $ oc new-project rocket-chat
  3. In order to function, Rocket.Chat needs a backing MongoDB database installed. We will deploy the application using the existing template called mongodb-persistent, which provides a MongoDB database service, with persistent storage. This template comes preinstalled on an OpenShift 4.2 cluster:

    $ oc new-app mongodb-persistent -p MONGODB_USER=rcadmin -p MONGODB_PASSWORD=rocketchat -p MONGODB_DATABASE=rocketchat -p VOLUME_CAPACITY=4Gi
  4. Wait until the MongoDB pod is fully initialized.

    $ oc get pods
    NAME               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    mongodb-1-deploy   0/1     Completed   0          2m4s
    mongodb-1-gjzw6    1/1     Running     0          111s
  5. Deploy the Rocket.Chat image from Docker Hub, connecting it to the MongoDB database that you just created, and expose the Rocket.Chat service as a route:

    $ oc new-app docker.io/rocketchat/rocket.chat:0.59.1 -e MONGO_URL=mongodb://rcadmin:rocketchat@mongodb:27017/rocketchat
    $ oc expose svc rocketchat

    We are explicitly using an older version of Rocket.Chat, since it simplifies the deployment (doesn’t require OPLOG)

  6. Once the Rocket.Chat pod is fully started and the service exposed as a route, disable the email validity check for new users (change the pod name according to what you have in your environment)

    $ oc rsh mongodb-1-gjzw6
    sh-4.2$ mongo localhost:27017
    > use rocketchat
    > db.auth('rcadmin','rocketchat')
    > db.rocketchat_settings.update({_id:'Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck'},{$set:{value:false}})
    > exit
    sh-4.2$ exit

2.3. Configure Rocket.Chat

Connect to the Rocket.Chat instance deployed on the cluster, and register a new account.
  1. Determine the URL of your Rocket.Chat instance using the command: oc get route rocketchat

  2. In a web browser, navigate to the Rocket.Chat URL

  3. Under the blue Login button, select Register a new account

  4. Enter your details (name, email address, and password)

  5. Click Register A New Account

  6. On the warning dialog, click Yes

  7. When prompted to register the username, keep the suggested username or change it to one you prefer, and then click Use this username

Create a channel in Rocket.Chat

We create a channel in Rocket.Chat so that Alertmanager has a destination for sending alerts.

  1. Next to the Search box under your name, click +.

  2. Type openshift-alerts as the channel name and click Create

Create Inbound Webhook

We create then inbound webhook for the new channel to receive alerts from Alertmanager

  1. Next to your username, click the three dots and select Administration

  2. Select IntegrationsNew IntegrationIncoming WebHook

  3. Enter or select the following values:

    • Enabled: True

    • Name: OpenShift Alerts

    • Post to Channel: #openshift-alerts

    • Post as: rocket.cat

    • Alias: Prometheus

    • Script Enabled: True

  4. Copy and paste the script below into the Script box:

    class Script {
      }) {
        var alertColor = "warning";
        var alertKind  = "UNDEFINED";
        if (request.content.status == "resolved") {
          alertColor = "good";
          alertKind  = "RESOLVED"
        } else if (request.content.status == "firing") {
          alertColor = "danger";
          alertKind  = "PROBLEM"
        let finFields = [];
        for (i = 0; i < request.content.alerts.length; i++) {
          var endVal = request.content.alerts[i];
          var elem = {
            title: alertKind + ": " + endVal.labels.alertname,
            value: "Instance: " + endVal.labels.instance + "; " + "Description: " + endVal.annotations.description + "; " + "Summary: " + endVal.annotations.summary,
            short: false
        return {
          content: {
            username: "Alertmanager",
            attachments: [{
              color: alertColor,
              title_link: request.content.externalURL,
              title: "Prometheus notification",
              fields: finFields,
        return {
          error: {
            success: false,
            message: 'Error accepting Web Hook'
  5. Click Save Changes

  6. Copy the webhook URL to use later in configuring Alertmanager

    • This field appears only after clicking Save Changes

    • It should look similar to:

  7. Next to Administration, click the X and return to the chat window

  8. From a shell prompt, test that your webhook is working by sending an example JSON payload to Rocket.Chat, replacing <WEBHOOK_URL> with the URL you copied earlier

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"alerts": [{"status": "testing", "labels": {"alertname": "alert_test", "instance": "instance.my.test.cluster" },   "annotations": { "description": "Alert Test Description",      "summary": "Alert Test Summary" } }]}' <WEBHOOK_URL>
    • Expect to receive an alert message in your Rocket.Chat channel.

3. Alertmanager

We configure Alertmanager to publish alerts to Rocket.Chat using the webhook configured in the previous section.

  1. Check that you are logged in as administrator on the cluster:

    $ oc login -u administrator $API_ENDPOINT
  2. Change to the openshift-monitoring project:

    $ oc project openshift-monitoring
  3. Run oc get all and find Alertmanager among the project resources

    • Expect to see three pods numbered from 0 to 2, which means that they are parts of a stateful set.

      $ oc get all
      NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      pod/alertmanager-main-0                           3/3     Running   0          21h
      pod/alertmanager-main-1                           3/3     Running   0          21h
      pod/alertmanager-main-2                           3/3     Running   0          21h
      NAME                                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
      service/alertmanager-main             ClusterIP     <none>        9094/TCP                     27h
      service/alertmanager-operated         ClusterIP   None             <none>        9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP   27h
      NAME                                 READY   AGE
      statefulset.apps/alertmanager-main   3/3     27h
      NAME                                         HOST/PORT                                                                PATH   SERVICES            PORT    TERMINATION          WILDCARD
      route.route.openshift.io/alertmanager-main   alertmanager-main-openshift-monitoring.apps.ocp4cluster.example.com             alertmanager-main   web     reencrypt/Redirect   None
  4. Decode the alertmanager.yaml configuration file and study the default configuration:

    Alertmanager’s configuration is in the alertmanager.yaml configuration file, which is base64-encoded and stored in a secret called alertmanager-main. You can see the secret by running oc get secret alertmanager-main.

    $ oc get secret alertmanager-main -o jsonpath='{.data.alertmanager\.yaml}' | base64 -d
    Sample Output
      "resolve_timeout": "5m"
    - "name": "null"
      - "job"
      "group_interval": "5m"
      "group_wait": "30s"
      "receiver": "null"
      "repeat_interval": "12h"
      - "match":
          "alertname": "Watchdog"
        "receiver": "null"
  5. Replace this configuration with your own, which includes your Rocket.Chat webhook:

    • In your favorite editor, create a file called alertmanager.yaml and enter the following:

        # ResolveTimeout is the default value used by alertmanager if the alert does
        # not include EndsAt, after this time passes it can declare the alert as resolved if it has not been updated.
        # This has no impact on alerts from Prometheus, as they always include EndsAt.
        resolve_timeout: '5m'
      # The root route on which each incoming alert enters.
        # The root route must not have any matchers as it is the entry point for
        # all alerts. It needs to have a receiver configured so alerts that do not
        # match any of the sub-routes are sent to someone.
        # The following is a default receiver
        receiver: 'default-receiver'
        # The labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example,
        # multiple alerts coming in for cluster=A and alertname=LatencyHigh would
        # be batched into a single group.
        group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'job']
        # When the first notification was sent, wait 'group_interval' to send a batch
        # of new alerts that started firing for that group.
        group_interval: 5m
        # When a new group of alerts is created by an incoming alert, wait at
        # least 'group_wait' to send the initial notification.
        # This way ensures that you get multiple alerts for the same group that start
        # firing shortly after another are batched together on the first
        # notification.
        group_wait: 30s
        # If an alert has successfully been sent, wait 'repeat_interval' to
        # resend them.
        repeat_interval: 12h
        # All the above attributes are inherited by all child routers and can be
        # overwritten on each.
        # The child route trees.
        # All alerts that do not match the following child routes
        # will remain at the root node and be dispatched to 'default-receiver'.
        - match:
            alertname: 'Watchdog'
          repeat_interval: 5m
          receiver: 'watchdog'
      # A list of notification receivers.
        # https://prometheus.io/docs/operating/integrations/#alertmanager-webhook-receiver
      - name: 'default-receiver'
          # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
        - send_resolved: true
          # The endpoint to send HTTP POST requests to.
          url: 'http://rocketchat-rocket-chat.apps.ocp4cluster.example.com/hooks/yozbsYLP7GEDAsYRf/8xbetphm8M3q5Yh4DJcfH3pdKBd27wMBN9W65GHjZZjzG8jtL'
      - name: 'watchdog'

      If you want to direct the Watchdog alerts to Rocket.Chat instead of an empty receiver, just change receiver: 'default-receiver' in the Watchdog route.

  6. Replace the default secret with your own:

    $ oc create secret generic alertmanager-main --from-file=alertmanager.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | oc replace -f -
  7. Restart the stateful set:

    $ oc patch statefulset alertmanager-main -p '{"spec":{"updateStrategy":{"type":"RollingUpdate"}}}'
    $ oc delete pod -l app=alertmanager

    If you want to use other notification mechanisms such as email, PagerDuty, or Slack, you need to update the configuration map with the correct configuration, as documented in the Prometheus configuration page.